Tuesday, January 20, 2009


woooo! first one back. first one to post. that's right. we got drunk on MLK day. played pub trivia too. we rocked the fucking periodic table quiz. yeah that's right. also, this marks the night of the fthird waitress that has my number. i blame you cara. yeah thatt's right. we left it on the custeomer survice note thingy. i don't think that she will call me. oh well. i saw her read the note and she was smiling, so once again that's enough to keep me going for a while. wooooooo! this week is either going to make me or completely break me. fuckin quarter life crisis shit. never grow old, never surrender. that's my new motto. also, never feel unfit. it sucks. alright, time to pass out so i can wake up in time to not feel shitty for class tomorrow. peace out sukkas!


Thursday, January 1, 2009

happy new year

yeah! bithces!!! it's 2009 and you knwo what? i'm druknk! first post of 2009!!!! wooooo11111! so i went to evans party and it was pretty cool. therwer were some qute girls therea and som not so cute girls. my button down shirt was dangerous because it kept being unbottend , which made all the aladies excited. i furthermore had to button it back up or else the place would have been the site of a complete orgy centering around me. yeah, thats right. i also learned that as soon as an e4x date doesn't have a bf anymore, they are much more relaxed and open to coversation that didn't ahvpen since the said date. okay, i gotta drink some water an gota sleep. i'm fuckin exhausted. it's your fault, ladies! happy new year to all, and to all a new year!!!