Sunday, March 20, 2011

stupid silverline

so we had to take a cab home that was dumb. but there a was a lot of cake and pie. poonie is a good hting! so is pie. umm... there was beer and cofffee beer and stuff. and we went to shooters and saw a gerg. and there were bunches of people. but there was noone on the dance flor that was dumb. oogh why was there so much cake. and so little ladeez. sheesh there realyl needsto be more interesting shit to drogabaout.

im trying to drog for the jm too. but we just talking shit bout shit. also nwo >>> whatever the fuck seth wanted. lets make lasers. lasser some steak and make deliciousness.

there's a lot of food on the brarin. brain. stooked the ideas! they are for me.

also we tried to kill th epearl st. but there were 100 left and it was hopeless.

ugh ok I'm done there is too much not enogh time left