Sunday, July 6, 2008

whoa, whoa, whoa.... twice in one weekend??

howdy everybody!  It;s me again.  So yeah, this is post number two in the same weekend more of less.  Tonight I played a bunjch of halo (halo 3 of course... jeeez.).  While some halo players like to keep it real (like me!) other ones get way to uptight about it.  Like ok, so say I start a halo sruvery of the people I end up in matches with, they should answer it right?  I mean they should be gorwn up people and just answer it, we are all adults.  So tonight the survey was this:  "boobs or penis?".  Now most people seems hesistant to respond.  I took this to mean that they liked penis.  Which is probably a pretty good assumption.  I think most people who sit at home and play halo like penis.  But of course, that doesn't apply yo me.  I like boobs.  Boobs are the best.  Man therwe was one hardcore penis lover.  His name was bananasquasher!  I mean come one, that pretty much means you like to squash penis in your butthole right?  I don't see how else you could interpret that, but he was pretty content on remaining slient.  I htink he was intimidated.  He didn't want to come right out with it, but in teim he will grow comfortable with his way of being.  Until he does I suggest that you try to friend him on XBOX live, and if he accept, then send him "appropriate" pictures to teach him that its all ok.  And that some day he will find his true love.  Because then, you will have made the world a happier place.  Huzzah!


FrankieBeans said...

1 word.


Buffalo said...

dude, you're getting better at this. Usually once means the next day doesn't happen.

more brewing... lots of more brewing