Saturday, September 13, 2008

People thin kyou are drunk.

Ok, so here is the deal.  Sometimes people thin kyou are drunk but it turns out that you are not drunk at all.  I staret to get mad when people think thins about me but it isn't ture.   I mean come on, if anyone shoudl know when I am drunk it should be me right??  Doesn't thgiis make sense?  I don;t see how anyone can resfute this logic.

Ok so tomorrow I am going to a music festival and although I have been trying to cut backmy drinking (which is why you haven't seen me on here in a while).  I think I might be drinking tomrroww.  So the question is, what Should I drink?  Should it be hard A, or should it be beer.  I like beer,  I also like hard A so it isn't an easy qeustion.  If questions in liffe were easy then we wouldn'y have to think about them and then thewy would be hard, right?!?!?!?  Just mull that over for a while and if it doeswn't makje sense then you clearly don't get it.

Now I bid you adieu, which is a form of goodbye in french.  Yeah that's right bitch, I know french drunk and you don't know shit.

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