Friday, July 17, 2009

omg it's dark out?

yeah, it's been some time since this fellow postede somethingon this here "blog". At least legitimately. There's something to be said for Mountain Sun beers. Speicificalyyy, they are strong and delicious. Also, arguments about nothing at all are fun (yeah, even with loudy mcloudmouth dominating the conversation). And burritos are delicious. 2 per day ixs NOT! too much. Delciious. I rpomaites. I promise, that's what I said. SHu up. Shut up. OK. typed it. good.

Also, favorite thing? coming home and not hearing "hey did you take the trash in?" yeah, you're not my mother, get over it. sheesh. OK I am ready to compile that shit. I shouldn't restructure my compy's HD right now should I? too late. Ooops. I have 6 hours til I have to get up and fix the ankle and then I have a meeting. WHOO FRIDAY!!!!!!! hrmm, something mising there... !!!!1!!1!!. Better.


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