Saturday, February 26, 2011


well,s o, the day went preetty great. Got up at like 830, hit the bus at 930, luckily made nough buses to get to Vine at 11, drank about 6 mimosas each and ate a huge breakfast *after* eating a pound of cookies, then went to the 2-hr 9-pour tasting where the tastes weren't exactly small and the "snack foods" were... look, they filled, alrighT? cheeses and pickles and meats and crackers.. So, we try to get coffee afterwards, righT? nope, it's a city, so once you get downtown there are no coffees anywhere. WTF? that is dumb. So, logical conlusion: no coffee? GET BEER! so we did and there was Belgian Beer and then much rejoicing and sliders and fries and it was good (but... yeah.... expensive). Whew. We done that, lights go out, we go to the next place, which we thoguht was a brewery but it wasn't, just another (!) taphouse, less than a block away. We got... one good beer, then one... other beer? then a third? there were smoky beers, creepy people next to me, and THINGS GOT HAZY OK!? it was... umm... eventful? then... we stumbled away from there and... well, stumbled was the operative fuckin word, lemme tell ya. hit up some Godo Times, which I know I've been to drunk before which is real weird cuz I've been to downtown denver like 3 times ever. Spilled some drink because I was drunk, it happens, but no one cleaned it up even after I said "Hey, I spilled a drink, can I get somethin to clean it with" which was dumb. THEN we went to the bus and NAILED the timing but I wanted to get some gyros so I did and sprinted back to the bus and made it! we was on the bus we was we was then slept and had alarms on but stilll nearly missed the stop. THEN we got home and we made cookies! well, we made cookies dough but we was sleepy and hurty and so we made the ough and then I made 4-5 kahlua brownie cookies and we'll see how they turn out. but yeah we hit GAME OVER at not very long after we starte.d..... like only 12 hours and so many rounds or somehting... sheesh.

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