Sunday, December 21, 2008

the adventures of jizzy b and the buffalo

tonight we will be coming to you live while drinking, so you can monitor our status. each of us has a laptop, a d rink, and are watching a moive at the same time. the plan is to watch star wars: the clone wars (animated piece of crap that failed more than a baby with no cat to ride. whoa, cartoon samuel l jackson is a pussy. drink break. okay i'm bored by this movie. and buffalo is not even watching. drink break. that guy just got his head shot off. drink break. obi wan is a pussy. oh snap, they're gonna need reinforcements!!! yoda, i can't year you now! anikan just got hoesed. that one dude is totally giving her "experience." jedi power confuses me. why can't they just throw all the bad guys into a big pile. bring me liquid!!!! drink break. oh shit son! jabba the hut's bounty hunters are way dead!! line break!

hey there, new line, how you doin! the spaceships suck. whoa, those droids are totally doing it! seriously, we really need space ships like the stars wars peoples. whoa, skeleton dude. i've run out of drog fuel. baby jabba looks smaller than my last shit. i'm confused. she's got an especially long lightsaber. maybe she isn't a she afterall. gins is now immitating r2d2. he's poking the air. yeah i'm done too. the live drog doesn't wokr well. tune in next bed!

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