Saturday, December 20, 2008

Stick in my pocket

ladies....yeah that's right, i have a stick in my poncket. yes i'm also hpa=ppyg to see youl. so this gril sarah puyt a stick in my pokcet tonight and appartently thats' all it totok eo become the life of the party., also, i had white cheddar popcorn, whiuch may ormay not have made it'sr round onto the floor of whoever was hotinsg tonight. so yeah,. thonighte was a goodnight. first at the beginning i gave my numb3r to a totatlly attracibve hostess and i thnk she liked it. then, at this party that, by tehway, i totally crashed, i was the total fucking life of the party. i was attracing all the girls in the room, not jus thte most beautiful girl in the room. then there was the girl that didn't seem to be agblet to stand up until the end of the night./ burlar and i were convinced that she was not able to walk, but apparently she cvan. whe hda at double chin and was not attracivea after first glance. it turns out, that long island that they made in a FIVE GALLON JUG was really freaking strong becuas ei'm still going after hours since i left the downer at like 8. i think the walk home was probably good for the buffalo and I. otherwise we would probably die. anyways, i'm gonna go down a litre of water, yeah that's right litre, not liter. then i'm gonna pass out. village coffee shop people contact me by 10!!!!!! peace!!!!!!!! --A dude with a stick!!

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